
Dermal Fillers

Dermal Fillers are injectable medical devices approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for use in enhancing the appearance of the face, including nasolabial folds, cheeks, lips, and the back of hands. Soft tissue fillers have a temporary effect, because they contain materials that are absorbed by the body over time. Dermal fillers may be performed as a singular procedure or in combination with other treatments such as neurotoxins.

Some of the benefits of injectable Dermal Fillers include:

  • Reduce moderate to severe wrinkles on your face
  • Shape facial contours
  • Enhance lip shape & volume

Schedule your consultation with Zen ReGen in Sacramento, CA, to see if Dermal Fillers are right for you!


  • To minimize the risk of infection, it is important to avoid dental work, including cleanings, for the 2 weeks before and after your ļ¬ller procedure.
  • Stop taking the following 1 week prior to appointment: Aspirin (Advil, Aleve, etc.), Ginkgo Biloba, garlic, flax oil, cod liver oil, vitamin A, Vitamin E and any other essential fatty acids.
  • Taking Arnica up to 1 week prior to your appointment may help reduce bruising after appointment. Eating pineapple which contains bromelain can also help a few days prior to the procedure. Vitamin K containing foods such as green leafy vegetables can also be helpful.
  • If you have a history of Herpes Simplex (cold sores), make sure you inform your provider at least one week before your appointment. A prescription may be necessary to avoid an outbreak.

Immediately after your procedure and for 24 hours after, you should avoid the following:

  • Strenuous exercise
  • Sun exposure/heat exposure/tanning beds
  • Alcoholic beverages
  • Massaging/ pressure on the areas that were treated treated
  • Extreme cold temperatures
  • Using used or old lip balms, chap sticks, lipsticks, etc.

48 hour after your procedure you may begin adding Gingko Biloba, garlic, flax oil, cod liver oil, vitamin A, vitamin E or any other essential fatty acids.

If laser treatment, chemical peel, or any other procedure is considered after Dermal filler treatment, the risk of eliciting an inflammatory process may be possible. Consider such treatments 1 week before and/or after Dermal Fillers.Ā 

To minimize the risk of infection, it is important to avoid dental work, including cleanings, for the 2 weeks after your ļ¬ller appointment.

What do Dermal Fillers do?

Dermal fillers are an injectable gel approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for use in helping to create a smoother and/or fuller appearance in the face, including nasolabial folds, cheeks and lips and for increasing the volume of the back of the hand. Soft tissue fillers have a temporary effect, because they contain materials that are absorbed by the body over time. Dermal fillers may be performed as a singular procedure or in combination with other treatments such as neurotoxins and/or laser treatments.

However, dermal fillers are not a substitute for face, brow or eyelifts. This minimally-invasive procedure can offer temporary results, reduce the appearance of lines and wrinkles, minimize some scarring, and provide fullness.

Do Dermal Fillers hurt?

While there is some discomfort involved with dermal filler injections, it is a quick procedure that comes with minimal downtime ā€“so the pain you feel is temporary.

How long do Dermal Fillers last?

Zen Dermatology carries many different dermal fillers. The longevity of each dermal filler varies. Results typically last between 9 months and 2 years depending on the area thatā€™s being treated, and which dermal filler was chosen based on the patientā€™s needs and desired look.

Who is a candidate for Dermal Fillers?

Almost everyone is a good candidate for dermal fillers. Whether you are looking to enhance your lips, smooth wrinkles, rebuild lost volume, or give yourself a more youthful appearance without feeling overdone, dermal fillers may be the right fit for you. Schedule a consultation today with our expert injectors to determine which dermal fillers are right for you.

How many syringes of filler will I need?

The number of syringes needed will vary based on what your personal goals are and how much volume loss has occurred. A good rule of thumb is 1 syringe per decade of life. However, we realize that not everyone wants full correction, which is why we will create a personalized plan just for you at your consultation!

What can I expect when getting Dermal Fillers?

Dermal fillers provide immediate gratification and you will see results right away. Since dermal fillers are injected with a needle, bruising and swelling are likely to occur. Our expert injectors will make you as comfortable as possible and you should be in and out of the office in less than an hour.

How should I prepare for my dermal filler appointment?

Consider discontinuing the use of certain medications and supplements 5-7 days before your appointment if it is safe to do so. Taking certain medications and supplements such as Aspirin (Advil, Aleve, etc.), Gingko Biloba, garlic, flax oil, cod liver oil, vitamin A, vitamin E, and other essential fatty acids, may increase your risk for bruising. You may wish to take Arnica up to 1 week prior to your appointment. This may help decrease the bruising.

What do I need to know post-appointment?

For the first 48 hours after your dermal filler appointment, you should avoid strenuous exercise, hot tubs, and saunas. For the first week following your appointment, you should avoid massaging/pressing on the areas that were treated, dental appointments, and vaccinations.

When will I see results after getting a filler?

This varies with the filler, as most fillers fill the skin so they are able to produce immediate gratification. A filler also can stimulate your body to produce collagen, but this takes time.

When is it safe to get more filler?

Your provider will discuss your goals and expected outcome with you prior to determining how much filler to use. We recommend allowing all swelling to dissipate before determining if you want more filler, usually 2-4 weeks from the previous appointment.